Hi! ILD is open and shipping as normal. Happy new year. xox


Hi! So you want to know more about us? Lily (aka the one who makes all the clothes) likes: cappuccinos, chardonnay, puppies, pasta, when it’s time to put the down comforter on the bed after summer, getting packages in the mail she doesn’t remember ordering, board games, and most of all, FABRIC SHOPPING. Lily dislikes: trump, spiders, gardening, solicitors, uncomfortable shoes, and doing taxes.

Ida (aka the kiddo) likes: dresses, rainboots, pockets, worms, spiders, crafting, doing messy science experiments, lists, charts, contraptions, and making costumes for her stuffies. Ida dislikes: denim pants masquerading as leggings, finishing projects she starts, gluten free bread, and dipping sauces that aren’t ketchup.

Together, we enjoy hiking, eating cookies, talking about which Taylor Swift album is the best, making up songs and dances, going for drives, and hanging out with our (other) favorite person, my wife/ Ida’s other mom.